Social media is an incredibly important distribution and engagement platform for branded content.

That’s why during the upcoming Innovation Mission to New York City centered around branded content, there will be a session focused on nothing but how to build, sell and distribute branded content through social media channels.

Innovation Mission attendees will get time with Apryl Pilolli, Social News Desk’s head of innovation. She will walk attendees through a detailed distribution process and discuss strategies that will increase engagement and revenue.

This November Innovation Mission focuses entirely on branded content education and collaboration and will showcase new possibilities for news organization and help build or improve an organization’s business around storytelling.

We caught up with Apryl to learn more about the work she’s doing at Social News Desk.

  1. First, tell us a little about your organization. 

Social News Desk is a social technology platform created for newsrooms by people from newsrooms. We served more than 2,000 newsrooms and are committed to building solutions to help media organizations distribute compelling stories and branded content to their audiences.

  1. What are the most important trends you’re seeing in branded content today that media companies should be aware of? 

There is a lot of buzz about influencers — micro-influencers, nano-influencers, etc. Media organizations need to remember they are also influencers, and they need to position their brands as such. The same piece of content marketing distributed in partnership with a TV station or newspaper versus just from the brand itself will from perform two to four times better with the influence of the media company.

  1. Media companies, now more than ever, are paying more attention to branded content. Why do you think it could and should be a significant part of their future business model?

Consumers have grown uncomfortable with their advertising experiences due to intrusive formats and privacy-invading practices. That is why we see an increase in people using ad blockers. However, they are much more accepting of branded content formats that educate and don’t just sell products. This is why media companies need to invest in creating quality branded content.

  1. Are there niches or areas of focus that you think media companies should be looking at when they’re considering their branded content strategies? 

Media companies should analyze what industries and verticals their clients belong to and focus on content strategies that align. For instance, if you have a large contingent of health care service, clients creating segments and content around health and fitness would be a perfect fit.

  1. What will attendees learn from your team on this unique branded content-focused innovation mission? 

After more than 22 years working in newsrooms and more than eight years focused on social media, I will share my expertise with attendees. Specifically, I will discuss tools and solutions to create and distribute impactful branded content in a scalable and profitable way. 

You can register for the New York City Innovation Mission on branded content here.